In the first few months of 2022, most nonprofit organizations find ourselves reflecting on the lessons that the pandemic has taught us about equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. These lessons also call upon the sector to explore the necessary actions to level the playing field where fundraising is concerned.
The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is #BreaktheBias. Breaking the bias in the fundraising space, where intersectionality and the nuanced nature of identity politics are widely discussed, is essential to turning the tide of equity towards women-led organizational capacity-building through fundraising for economic justice.
Let us consider how women in the nonprofit sector are innovating to funding sustainability. Black and Indigenous women-led organizations are championing economic justice by sounding the alarm on the systemic lack of funding and its implications for adverse outcomes within our communities.
Further, Black women-led organizations are advancing the International Decade for People of African Descent’s themes of Recognition, Justice and Development; while tying impact measurements to the Sustainable Development Goals that hold institutions and governments accountable in the push to #BuildBackBetter using a Gender Based Analysis framework.
It is time to transition reflection into action by tying fundraising equity with recognized days of action and months of significance, such as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21st, Emancipation Day on August 1st, World Day for African and Afro-descendent Culture on August 31st and Black History Month in February. Using the recommendations of the UNFUNDED Report, we can champion intentional giving to Black women-led nonprofits, ensuring accountability to pledges of allyship in the fundraising space.
Candies Kotchapaw
Executive Director
Developing Young Leaders of Tomorrow, Today (DYLOTT)